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Growing Grid

Growing grid is another incremental network. The basic principles used also in growing cell structures and growing neural gas are applied with some modifications to a rectangular grid. Alternatively, growing grid can be seen as an incremental variant of the self-organizing feature map.

The model has two distinct phases, a growth phase and a fine-tuning phase. During the growth phase a rectangular network is built up starting from a minimal size by inserting complete rows and columns until the desired size is reached or until a performance criterion is met. Only constant parameters are used in this phase. In the fine-tuning phase the size of the network is not changed anymore and a decaying learning rate is used to find good final values for the reference vectors.

As for the self-organizing map, the network structure is a two-dimensional grid (tex2html_wrap_inline5145). This grid is initially set to tex2html_wrap_inline5147 structure. Again, the distance on the grid is used to determine how strongly a unit tex2html_wrap_inline5149 is adapted when the unit tex2html_wrap_inline5151 is the winner. The distance measure used is the tex2html_wrap_inline5153-norm

Also the function used to determine the adaptation strength for a unit r given that s is the winner is the same as for the self-organizing feature map:

The width parameter tex2html_wrap_inline5163, however, remains constant throughout the whole simulation. It is chosen relatively small compared to the values usually used at the beginning for the self-organizing feature map. One can note that as the growing grid network grows, the fraction of all units which is adapted together with the winner decreases. This is also the case in the self-organizing feature map but is achieved there with a constant network size and a decreasing neighborhood width. The complete growing grid algorithm is the following:

Growth Phase

  1. Set the initial network width and height:
    Initialize the set tex2html_wrap_inline5165 to contain tex2html_wrap_inline5167 units tex2html_wrap_inline5169
    with reference vectors tex2html_wrap_inline5171 chosen randomly according to tex2html_wrap_inline5173.

    Initialize the connection set tex2html_wrap_inline5175 to form a rectangular tex2html_wrap_inline5177 grid.

    Initialize the time parameter t:

  2. Generate at random an input signal tex2html_wrap_inline5181 according to tex2html_wrap_inline5183.
  3. Determine the winner tex2html_wrap_inline5185:
  4. Increase a local counter variable of the winner:
  5. Increase the time parameter t:
  6. Adapt each unit r according to
  7. If the number of input signals generated for the current network size reaches a multiple tex2html_wrap_inline5197 of this network size, i.e., if
    then do the following:
  8. If the desired network size is not yet achieved, i.e. if
    then continue with step 2.

Fine-tuning Phase

Generate at random an input signal tex2html_wrap_inline5229 according to tex2html_wrap_inline5231.
Determine the winner tex2html_wrap_inline5233:
Adapt each unit r according to
If tex2html_wrap_inline5243 continue with step 9.

Figure 6.5 shows some stages of a simulation for a simple ring-shaped data distribution. Figure 6.6 displays the final results after 40000 adaptation steps for three other distribution. The parameters used for the growth phase were: tex2html_wrap_inline5245. The parameters for the fine-tuning phase were: tex2html_wrap_inline5247 and tex2html_wrap_inline5249 unchanged, tex2html_wrap_inline5251.

Figure 6.5:   Growing grid simulation sequence for a ring-shaped uniform probability distribution. a) Initial state. b-f) Intermediate states. g) Final state. h) Voronoi tessellation corresponding to the final state.

Figure:   Growing grid simulation results after 40000 input signals for three different probability distributions (described in the caption of figure 4.4). One can note that in a) the chosen topology (tex2html_wrap_inline5253) has a rather extreme height/width ratio which matches well the distribution at hand. Depending on initial conditions however, also other topologies occur in simulations for this distribution. b),c) Also these topologies deviate from the square shape usually given to self-organizing maps. For the cactus a (tex2html_wrap_inline5255) and for the mixture distribution a (tex2html_wrap_inline5257) topology was automatically selected by the algorithm.

If one compares the growing grid algorithm with the other incremental methods growing cell structures and growing neural gas then a difference (apart from the topology) is that no counter variables are redistributed when new units are inserted. Instead, all tex2html_wrap_inline5259-values are set to zero after a row or column has been inserted. This means, that all statistical information about winning frequencies is discarded after an insertion. Therefore, to gather enough statistical evidence where to insert new units the next time, the number of adaptation steps per insertion step must be proportional to the network size (see equation 6.31). This simplifies the algorithm but increases the computational complexity. The same could in principle be done with growing neural gas and growing cell structures effectively eliminating the need to re-distribute accumulated information after insertions at the price of increased computational complexity.

The parameter tex2html_wrap_inline5261 which governs the neighborhood range has the function of a regularizer. If it is set to large values, then neighboring units are forced to have rather similar reference vectors and the layout of the network (when projected to input space) will appear very regular but not so well adapted to the underlying data distribution tex2html_wrap_inline5263. Smaller values for tex2html_wrap_inline5265 give the units more possibilities to adapt independently from each other. As tex2html_wrap_inline5267 is set more and more to zero the growing grid algorithm (apart from the insertions) approaches hard competitive learning.

Similar to the self-organizing feature map the growing grid algorithm can easily be applied to network structures of other dimensions than two. Actually useful, however, seem only the cases of one- and three-dimensional networks since networks of higher dimensionality can not be visualized easily.

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Bernd Fritzke
Sat Apr 5 18:17:58 MET DST 1997