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Common Properties and Notational Conventions

The models described in this report share several architectural properties which are described in this chapter. For simplicity, we will refer to any of these models as network even if the model does not belong to what is usually understood as ``neural network''.

Each network consists of a set of N units:

Each unit c has an associated reference vector
indicating its position or receptive field center in input space.

Between the units of the network there exists a (possibly empty) set
of neighborhood connections which are unweighted and symmetric:
These connections have nothing to do with the weighted connections found, e.g., in multi-layer perceptrons (Rumelhart et al., 1986). They are used in some methods to extend the adaptation of the winner (see below) to some of its topological neighbors.

For a unit c we denote with tex2html_wrap_inline4339 the set of its direct topological neighbors:

The n-dimensional input signals are assumed to be generated either according to a continuous probability density function
or from a finite training data set

For a given input signal tex2html_wrap_inline4351 the winner tex2html_wrap_inline4353 among the units in tex2html_wrap_inline4355 is defined as the unit with the nearest reference vector

whereby tex2html_wrap_inline4361 denotes the Euclidean vector norm. In case of a tie among several units one of them is chosen to be the winner by throwing a fair dice. In some cases we will denote the current winner simply by s (omitting the dependency on tex2html_wrap_inline4365). If not only the winner but also the second-nearest unit or even more distant units are of interest, we denote with tex2html_wrap_inline4367 the i-nearest unit (tex2html_wrap_inline4371 is the winner, tex2html_wrap_inline4373 is the second-nearest unit, etc.).

Two fundamental and closely related concepts from computational geometry are important to understand in this context. These are the Voronoi Tessellation and the Delaunay Triangulation:

Given a set of vectors tex2html_wrap_inline4375 in tex2html_wrap_inline4377 (see figure 2.1 a), the Voronoi Region tex2html_wrap_inline4379 of a particular vector tex2html_wrap_inline4381 is defined as the set of all points in tex2html_wrap_inline4383 for which tex2html_wrap_inline4385 is the nearest vector:

In order for each data point to be associated to exactly one Voronoi region we define (as previously done for the winner) that in case of a tie the corresponding point is mapped at random to one of the nearest reference vectors. Alternatively, one could postulate general positions for all data points and reference vectors in which case a tie would have zero probability.

It is known, that each Voronoi region tex2html_wrap_inline4393 is a convex area, i.e.

The partition of tex2html_wrap_inline4395 formed by all Voronoi polygons is called Voronoi Tessellation or Dirichlet Tessellation (see figure 2.1 b). Efficient algorithms to compute it are only known for two-dimensional data sets (Preparata and Shamos, 1990). The concept itself, however, is applicable to spaces of arbitrarily high dimensions.

If one connects all pairs of points for which the respective Voronoi regions share an edge (an (n-1)-dimensional hyperface for spaces of dimension n) one gets the Delaunay Triangulation (see figure 2.1 c). This triangulation is special among all possible triangulation in various respects. It is, e.g., the only triangulation in which the circumcircle of each triangle contains no other point from the original point set than the vertices of this triangle. Moreover, the Delaunay triangulation has been shown to be optimal for function interpolation (Omohundro, 1990). The competitive Hebbian learning method generates a subgraph of the Delaunay triangulation which is limited to those areas of the input space where data is found.

Figure 2.1:  a) Point set in tex2html_wrap_inline4401, b) corresponding Voronoi tessellation, c) corresponding Delaunay triangulation.

For convenience we define the Voronoi Region of a unit tex2html_wrap_inline4403, as the Voronoi region of its reference vector:

In the case of a finite input data set tex2html_wrap_inline4409 we denote for a unit c with the term Voronoi Set the subset tex2html_wrap_inline4413 of tex2html_wrap_inline4415 for which c is the winner (see figure 2.2):

Figure 2.2:   An input data set tex2html_wrap_inline4425 is shown (a) and the partition of tex2html_wrap_inline4427 into Voronoi sets for a particular set of reference vectors (b). Each Voronoi set contains the data points within the corresponding Voronoi field.

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Bernd Fritzke
Sat Apr 5 18:17:58 MET DST 1997